Our Team with our customers to achieve manufacturing excellence by delivering the right automation solutions.

Every word is important; let me elaborate:

“Team with our customers” – The challenges we solve are difficult and require teamwork. Our customers intimately understand their manufacturing processes; in many cases, they are proprietary. We bring an understanding of automation and control technology that complements their internal knowledge. Our creative, energetic and innovative team also knows how to minimize risk. We know that how we manage the project is just as important to our customers as the finished result. Working together, Concept and our customers accomplish great things that exemplify true teamwork. Our goal is for every customer to say, “I enjoyed working with Concept.”

“Achieve manufacturing excellence” – Everything we do is geared toward enabling our customers to increase productivity, reduce costs, improve quality and enhance safety. We focus on the opportunities that are most relevant to them. Then we achieve manufacturing excellence by delivering results and financial benefit to our customers.

“Delivering the right automation solutions” – The perfect solution meets the customer’s specific needs. We look at the installed base, the capabilities of the customer’s technical team, the features and capabilities of the technology, and the intended use and lifespan of the solution. There are always trade-offs, and we focus on developing a solution that gives the customer best-of-breed technologies that fit its production environment and that its team can support.

That’s our approach to delivering the right automation solution, and over time our customers have shown it is one they endorse.